Sunday, November 18, 2007



I have always enjoyed japanese contemporary arts for the colors and the fresh style.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Good podcast?

I actually don't know what a podcast is, but since it involves us recording our speech, I'll do the best i can to outline my guiding principles....

1. Fluency - clarity and accuracy, but how natural you say it is key!
2. Creativity - using our (limited) knowledge of Japanese in creative and new ways.
3. Team participation - it cannot be one person talking all the time, but rather an even share
4. Effort - how much effort you put into the project...

Hope that helps~!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007



Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Good/Bad Blog?

Actually, this is the first time I ever have a blog...

so i'm not the most qualified person to talk about this...

but for the purposes of this blog assignment, I guess a good/bad blog consists mainly of how much effort you put into it in order to improve Japanese. However much effort you put in, that's how much you are going to benefit.

My criteria:

1) minimum number of posts, depending on assignments
2) effort in applying grammar/new words learned in japanese to posting (up to your own ability)
3) quality of the posts, because a ("Hi, i did this this and this today, BYE!") wouldn't really demonstrate much effort
4) keeping posts relevant...., on that note

Monday, September 24, 2007


wow, i was looking over other classmates' blogs from my "group" and I have no idea what they are saying...

i wish i can comment on their blogs, but i have no idea what to comment on...


lyrics from my favorite japanese song (i have no idea what it means tho)

ずっと一緒にいた 二人で歩いた一本道
二つに分かれて 別々の方歩いてく
そう no more cry もう泣かないよ
がんばっているからねって 強くなるからねって
つながっているからねって 愛してるからねって※
君の温もり 恋しくて恋しくて
そう no more cry もう泣かないよ
がんばっているからねって 強くなるからねって
今度いつ会えるんだろう それまでの電池は
抱きしめながら言った あなたの愛してるの一言

Reflections on Japanese

learning japanese for the first time has been interesting.

we cover material very quickly, and it is sometimes difficult to keep up with all the new vocabulary that we learn. there is something very familiar about japanese though, which I think is the grammar. similar to korean, the structure of the sentences is very different from english, and the sounds take getting used to.

for me, i think the method of learning japanese is effective, and i want to continue to strive in order to learn the language. honestly, school is the only time you can really invest the time and effort in learning a language, and i don't want to waste that.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Reasons for learning Japanese...

So sometimes my grandmother would take me out to eat lunch with her friends sometimes, and the conversation would be, you know, mostly in Korean. If there is some kind of secret that they don't want me to hear, they'll start speaking in Japanese... as they know I won't understand...

SO, i hope that i can start to listen in and understand their secrets... and then reply back to them in Japanese to shock them... hehe

kind of a twisted reason to learn japanese, no?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

+ first post

this is the beginning of my first year japanese class blog.

within here, i will try and update my feelings and progress of learning japanese (in japanese whenever possible). so, first, a little about me....
